Telugu Wikipedia reaches 30,000 articles

Telugu Wikipedia reaches 30,000 articles! Currently, it has 2,622 registered users. It is the only Indian Language Wikipedia ever to have more than 20,000 articles.

However, it is good to see that 6 Indian Language Wikipedias (Telugu, Manipuri, Bengali, Hindi, Tamil and Marathi) have crossed 10,000 article mark. The following table shows the number of articles and registered users (as I write) in each of the Indian Language Wikipedias.

Rank Language Articles Users
1 Telugu 30,003 2,622
2 Bishnupriya Manipuri 17,620 87
3 Bengali 15,920 1,317
4 Hindi 12,061 1,771
5 Tamil 10,905 1,823
6 Marathi 10,273 1,319
7 Urdu 5,907 907
8 Kannada 4,704 1,065
9 Sanskrit 3,868 304
10 Malayalam 2,954 1,808
11 Bhojpuri 2,228 140
12 Nepali 1,277 332
13 Kashmiri 351 174
14 Gujarathi 343 440
15 Punjabi 197 227
16 Sindhi 182 193
17 Assamese 167 175
18 Oriya 22 97

18 thoughts on “Telugu Wikipedia reaches 30,000 articles

  1. it is great to see that Telugu Wikipedia reaches 30,000 articles. Telugu wikipedia needs to be popularized more so that people can access this resource and add to the knowledge base.

  2. Excellent web site. May I also take the friendship with telugu people in all over the world?

  3. Sir,

    I have been working as Trainer of trainer for the prevention of HIV/AIDS.

    I have translated books on HIV/AIDS into telugu.

    I can write essays and articles in telugu on various sociall issues.

    Can I upload my writings into the blog.

    Please advise me appropriately,

  4. I have no words to explain my happiness, that Telugu Wikipedia reached 30,000 articles.This shows the love of Telugu people all over the world.

  5. CONGRATULATIONS,It is very good to hear that OUR Telugu crosses 30,000 articles.I am appreciating the people who are behind the success exceptionally TELUGU WIKI people

  6. Very thanks you for telugu version and so many articalp translate in to telugu plz. It is very useful for telugu students.

  7. I too wonder by reading this. I want upload some articles .lam fond of telugu
    I feel proud to be atelugu speaking person

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