Some links for Software Developers

If you are an application or web developer and wanting to get into using Telugu (or any other non-English language) in your applications, the following links would help you understand the basics of how natural languages work on computers and web:


10 thoughts on “Some links for Software Developers

  1. Thanks for providing such a great site . Could you please help me in getting some information on creating Flash banners in telugu ? I downloaded few softwares and tried but none of them are supporting telugu flash .

  2. Hi Veeven,

    Thanks a lot for the information . I am doing my development in FLEX version 3 .

    1) I tried Including Gauthami,Vemana and Pothana2000 fonts in the style ( Included these font files also in application source) . It is displaying telugu words , but few of them are corrupted
    2) SWFBanner :- I tried but again it is not taking telugu font
    3) Photo Flash maker , but again the above case
    4) Recently I installed Anu script manager . But not able to use My English computer keyboard type telugu . Not sure what key combination’s will help me to write telugu ? And also when I try to copy few example letters I wrote on Micrsoft word using Anu font to My flex , I failed totally .Because they are not Unicode ones I am not able to include them.
    5) last night I tried with sirigina lipi font and I am okay with them . But could not get stylish telugu words like in Anu

    I am exactly looking like in ( The message “Telugulo Subhakankashlu pampandi Anduloni maduryanni asyawadinchandi) . Not sure how they made . I am new to web development

    Thanks for your help again


  3. Hi Veeven,

    Thanks for your response . The link you gave me is broken ( getting 404 error).

    Could you please check it?


  4. Could you please give step by step process in developing a static html web page along with using Telugu language.

    Please Note : I need the details how to type and store Telugu text.

    [Veeven: Please see this post. It has all the details you need.]

    Thanks in advance,

    Swaroop Kunduru.

  5. Hi Viven,

    Got one more question . Could you please help me ? I am building a website for our telugu community and need a rich text editor which supports telugu .
    I mean , for example if you go to , before sending the greeting you can write some thing in telugu in the form . I checked the view source and it is using . Can I know any java script like this for free I can use it for my site ? Moreover for text area in addition to supporting telugu , Bold , adding image and embeding video functionalities … I checked tinymce editor , but couldn’t find the one that supports telugu .

    Thanks a lot for your help in advance


    1. Here is my suggestion: Use TinyMCE or any other rich text editor. And, leave the typing in Telugu to users. Let your users choose their favorite Telugu typing method.

      For a moment, think not just about your website. Telugu people should be able to type Telugu on their computers, in any application, any web site. There are already such tools. See the second section (కంప్యూటర్లో ఎక్కడైనా తెలుగు టైపు చెయ్యడానికి) in this link:

      If you educate your users in that direction, that will be good. This way we can avoid the need for every Telugu site coming up with their own solution for typing Telugu.

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