, an online Telugu e-book store is an online e-book store for Telugu books. You can buy Telugu books as e-books or you can just rent them for a month.

Kinige currently has 126 2,000 Telugu books and that number is growing steadily. Some of the popular writers are already on Kinige: Tanikella Bharani, Madhubabu, Malladi Venkata Krishna Murthy, Kasturi Murali Krishna, Chandra Latha and Vinnakota Ravisankar to name a few. You can also find compilations of Telugu stories by Katha Sahiti. And, if you are a writer, you can self-publish your books on Kinige.

Screenshot of's Homepage
A screen shot of’s homepage.

Select issues of Misimi, Nadustunna Charitra and Praja saahithi magazines are also available.

You can follow them on their blog (Telugu) to keep abreast of incoming book and to know latest discount offers from them.


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