The First International Telugu Internet Conference 2011

The first ever International Telugu Internet Conference (ITIC 2011) is being held in Milpitas, California from 28th to 30th of this year. The objective of this conference is to—

… bring together leaders in the field of language computing relating to the Telugu language for a comprehensive overview of this rapidly expanding area of research and development.

This conference is being conducted by Global Internet Forum for Telugu (GIFT), a collaborative initiative by the Department of Information Technology and Communications, Government of Andhra Pradesh and SiliconAndhra.

For more details about the program and call for papers, etc., please visit the conference site. Also see the press release about the conference.

I hope this conference will kindle more interest about Telugu computing and actually bring out some good results.

P.S. If you are tweeting use the hashtag #itic2011.


One thought on “The First International Telugu Internet Conference 2011

  1. * Congratulations for your Global efforts to promote Telugu in this Google era.

    * I believe that you will positively receive the following observations on Telugu Language and the need for preservation of its cultural heritage ( a legacy of nearly 3000 years )in this GOOGLE era.

    *Many of us have noticed that due to GOOGLE impact, the mother-tongues have become a little weak in recent times. Many Telugu people seem to have realized it and individual efforts are being done. Fortunately, as TELUGU is now declared a CLASSICAL Language, there is a revival of interest and well off TELUGU ENTREPRENEURs / Organizations ( Overseas ) due to their better FINANCIAL Position are in a position to help the RENAISANCE / Revival of interest.

    * Due to higher funding ability, the well off NRI Telugu Organizations like Silicon Andhra / TANA / NATA etc., and other Telugu Organizations in USA only can help in the Renaissance / Efforts for preservation and propagation of Telugu Language and its cultural heritage in this GOOGLE era and put it firmly on the world map and in the process make learning Telugu a matter of pride even in its native state.

    *There are a total of 110 million Telugu people ( 85 million in AP / 25 million outside AP – different states of India / USA / Canada / UK / Europe / Maritius / Malaysia / Singapore / Gulf / Australia / New-Zealand etc., In fact, many Telugu people look at DIASPORA as outside India but really, 20 million+ Telugu people have migrated to various parts of India over the years.

    * Request you to consider the supporting of ENDOWMENT funds by Non-Resident TELUGU Organizations for TELUGU Chairs / Departments in TOP Universities of World especially USA / UK and elsewhere as an important agenda so that Telugu will be the preferred language during graduate courses by students and will firmly put it on the WORLD MAP next only to Sanskrit in terms of heritage. This is very important in today’s Google era.

    * Presently, efforts are being done at Berkeley / Wisconsin / Emory / Austin / Israel etc., However, much more funding is needed to INSTITUTIONALIZE the efforts which will put TELUGU firmly on the world map in a sustainable manner. The efforts of Telugu University but it is getting hampered due to funds just when TELUGU has been declared as a Classical Language. This will receive a major BOOST if well off Non-Resident TELUGU Organizations also take up the cause of setting up the permanent chairs / permanent positions by providing / supporting endowment funds.

    * Telugu University despite its best intentions is dependent on Govt. Funding and the results in the promotion / propagation of Telugu Language outside AP – different States of India / Overseas is not progressing at the required pace.

    * The progress of IITs in the last decade has come from funding outside the govt. framework which helped in boosting infrastructure for the Google Era. This is a good example to show that Funding from well-off people can make a significant impact.

    * If well off TELUGU Organizations like Silicon Andhra / Tana / NATA etc., in coordination with other Telugu Entrepreneurs / Telugu Associations in USA can provide the necessary funding / endowments in TOP Universities of USA / UK etc.,, it will put Telugu firmly on the world Map and make it the highly preferred foreign language to graduate students. It will lead to positive feedback and become self-sustainable. Kindly see web-site of Friends of Telugu — Berkeley Telugu Initiative.

    * This is also an important aspect to achieve success for Global Internet Forum for Telugu and put it firmly on the world map next only to Sanskrit in classical terms.

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