I get many hits to this blog in the form searches about Telugu keyboard layout. It seems that my earlier posts offering a way to type Unicode Telugu using apple and modular keyboard layouts are attracting many hits. I just want to note here that those two layouts are intended only for people who already knew those layouts (on Anu Script Manager or other proprietary and traditional Telugu typing systems) and do not want to learn a new layout when they want to type in Unicode.
If you are new to Telugu typing and want to learn a keyboard layout, you should learn InScript layout. InScript layout is standardized by Government of India for all Indic scripts. Windows XP, Vista, 7 operating systems already come with this keyboard layout. You just need to enable it. InScript layout is also available in Linux and Macintosh operating systems.
Here are the normal and shifted snapshots of Telugu InScript keyboard layout.

When Shift key is used:

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