Category Archives: Blogs

Telugu Blogs Day — 2nd Sunday of December

This year’s Telugu Blogs Day is on Sunday, 14th of December. If you are in Hyderabad, you can join us in e-Telugu meeting.

Telugu Blogs Day is celebrated to encourage the spread and growth of Telugu blogs. The idea of Blogs Day was started in 2007 as the TeluguBlog group crossed 1,000 members in December of that year.
Continue reading Telugu Blogs Day — 2nd Sunday of December

Cinema in Telugu blogs

Cinema is the biggest entertainment for Indian masses and classes. If things about cinema and movies fascinate you, there is something for you in the Telugu blogosphere. Film reviews, discussions about cinema, articles relating movies and film industry, (what not?)— a lot is happening. There are some blogs that exclusively and regularly feature movie related posts. Some other bloggers regularly share their views about movies they watched. The following are the lists you need.

Continue reading Cinema in Telugu blogs

Blogging in Telugu

The number of Telugu blogs has been increasing day by day. Especially, there is a phenomenal growth in the last six months. There seems to be more than a thousand Telugu blogs, with around 250 being regularly updated.

The topics covered by Telugu blogs range from comics to cinema, politics to poetry, media to mythology, technology to tradition, education to environment and more. However, not many Telugu people are aware of blogs in their own language. This article is an attempt in spreading Telugu blogs.

If you have some good thoughts to share with the world, you can start a Telugu blog. Thinking how to type in Telugu? It’s no longer difficult. Thanks to the recent tools, it is as easy as typing in English. The following is a quick guide that lets you get started blogging in Telugu.

1. How to get yourself a blog?

You can get yourself a free blog at or or There are also other places where you can get a free blog. (You can even have a blog in your own domain. That is for the next time.)

2. How to Type in Telugu?

After you get yourself a blog, you need a way to write in Telugu. Don’t worry. There are many tools available. Pick a tool that suits you the best from the following popular ones:

Tools for typing in Telugu

3. Let people know about your Telugu blog

Commenting on other peoples blogs allows your blog to be get noticed. There are also aggregators for Telugu blogs. Getting listed in these aggregators ensures your Telugu blog will reach to fellow bloggers and many more people. You just need to send an e-mail to the maintainers of the aggregators that you have started a Telugu blog.

Telugu Blog aggregators

Regularly visiting one of these aggregators keeps you abreast of what is going on in Telugu blogosphere and brings to your notice good blog posts that you would otherwise have missed.

4. Participate

Telugu bloggers are an active community. You can join them at TeluguBlog Google Group for discussions on technical and general problems in writing blogs in Telugu.

Update (2007-07-15): Added to Telugu blog aggregators and to the sites where you can start a Telugu blog.

Digg it!

Jagannatakam : A new blog to reveal the unknown epical things

The Hindu mythology and puranaas are well known as Jagannatakam created by god.  I always wonder that how they authored such a massive story with thousands of unique characters with out a single flaw or visible stitch. For me, it looks like World’s Greatest Screen Play that was ever ever written. Every character has its own & unique values and power and meaning to live those times. These characters always look facinating to me.

Having said that, I am trying to throw some light on these characters in a new telugu blog called Jagannatakam. I hope readers also would share thier views and known things about these characters.